Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve 2022: The day or night before Christmas Day, which falls on December 24, the holiday honouring the birth of Jesus, is known as Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve is a lovely night unlike any other thanks to the unwrapping of gifts, sweets, and Christmas customs.

Doted Bulr white light covered

At the day jesus born in middle of night

Lighten x-tree with white small yak

all decorations of x-Max

decorations bolls ribbins stars with white

A real christmas tree with white bolls light

Socks on the sofa with white light

Red bolls with golden rings spread on tree

A boy with holded lighten boll

Small glass pods on which x-tree stand

Small glass pods with tree rapped gift

Small glass pods with tree x-tree shape

Top of x-tree with whitiesh snow

Blur light with lighten bolls

Lights dot with Jingle bell

with deorations item spreaded

Blur lights sparking

x-tree with the lights off

x-tree with the lights off in red

A flower bukee with blur

Lights with glass ball filled with statues

Top of x-tree with red bolls whitesh wired covered

A small gift rouneded with glass and base

small house with lighten and tree

Play open jeep with blur lighten

A tree within small glass vessels with red bolls

Tree with lighet around in night

Home decorated xmas tree with tea cup holded lady

A white tree at top golden star covered with glass hollow

x-mas statues within small glass

Two gift rapped on table with light tree

X-mas tree statues within round

greenesh small tree around with play

Gift rapped on top playing car

Three lighted candles with stand on the table

Rediesh colour threads in the round of plastic

Santaclouse statues with doted blur light

A tree with white colour flowers and rings, bolls

Blur light with stars and thread

Blur light with two stars and thread

on the road of light in which golden star stand

Gift rapped with red ribbens and x-tree with bolls

A x-tree rounded around

Blur x-tree decorated and stand on table

Red blue bolls golden ribbens on the tree

Golde;n rings and bolls around the candle and white

Golden boll with star with corner tree

lady doll hang on lighten x-tree with greenesh dress